Cr Josh Fergeus

Councillor for Oakleigh Ward

Cr Josh Fergeus

Josh would like to acknowledge that the City of Monash sits on the traditional lands of the Wurundjeri and Bunurong people, and pays his respects to elders past, present and emerging.

Born and raised in Monash, Josh has also lived in London while working on development of the National Health Service with local groups including the Haredi and Afro-Caribbean communities, and in Nepal while working with local women and children.

Josh holds a PhD from the University of Melbourne as well as a Master's Degree in Social Work, and Bachelor's Degrees in Arts and Teaching.  His research focused on the critical role of foster and kinship carers in promoting positive mental health outcomes for children and young people in care.

Outside of his duties as a Councillor, Josh is the Chief Executive Officer of the leading disability charity Kevin Heinze Grow and a Member of the Victorian Mental Health Tribunal. Josh is also Vice President of the Victorian Local Governance Association, an independent organisation committed to supporting councils and councillors in good governance, a Board Director at Robinvale District Health Services, and Chair of the North-Eastern Montessori School.

His primary areas of focus on Council are:

  • Protecting our trees, and improving and expanding our gardens and public open space;
  • Sustainable, livable planning outcomes for our local neighbourhoods;
  • Affordable, accessible, quality Council services;
  • A fair and equitable City, free from discrimination;
  • Reducing our waste and impact on climate change.

Josh is a former Chair of the Eastern Alliance for Greenhouse Action and President of the Foster Care Association of Victoria. He is passionate about creating and maintaining a safe and nurturing environment for all children and young people, education, social justice, and human rights.

Josh is a member of the following committees:

Josh represents Council on the following external body:

He is a Council liaison with:

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