Urban Biodiversity Strategy

Rainbow lorikeet in a nesting box

Council has endorsed the Urban Biodiversity Strategy that will guide the management and enhancement of bushland and reserves in the municipality.

At its November 2018 meeting, Council unanimously supported this strategy, which sets out biodiversity management directions from 2018 to 2028.

Read the full report at Urban Biodiversity Strategy(PDF, 7MB)

Biodiversity is the variety of all living things – plants, fungi, animals and microorganisms.

Monash is home to a broad range of significant bushland reserves, wetlands and waterways. Council manages more than 260ha of bushland, which is contained mainly in the 42 reserves across Monash.

These areas are of high biodiversity value, offering natural places to enjoy and explore while providing essential ecosystems functions.

The strategy looks at a range of threats such as habitat loss or fragmentation, pest plants and animals, population increase, climate change and impacts to water quality which can affect biodiversity. The strategy identifies opportunities to enhance biodiversity and a range of initiatives to minimise these threats.

The strategy builds upon the recommendations for Urban Ecology, which is a key priority of Council’s Environmental Sustainability Strategy 2016-2026. The Urban Biodiversity Strategy complements the Open Space Strategy and the Urban Landscape and Canopy Vegetation Strategy, and together they provide a suite of actions to improve Monash’s Garden Character.

The development of the Urban Biodiversity Strategy provided the opportunity for the Sustainable Monash and Horticulture teams to collaborate on community engagement and bushland protection activities, under the Green Shoots program. The Green Shoots program supports both teams' priorities and forms the structure of our community campaign. Green Shoots brings together our work with schools, community and early learning under the Gardens for Wildlife program, Skink Link, and our work with Friends Groups

More information

Contact the Sustainability Team on 9518 3555 or email sustainability@monash.vic.gov.au