Strengthening Notting Hill Community Action Plan
The Draft Notting Hill and Mulgrave community action plans were considered by Council in March 2019, prior to a further round of community consultation. This community consultation was undertaken in July and August 2019. A number of issues were identified and more data was gathered from residents on how to increase local community connections.
At its 10 December 2019 meeting, Council adopted the two plans and noted that key projects for both would be considered as part of Council’s annual budget process through the lives of the projects. Federal and State Grant funding will also be pursued.
For more information, see the Strengthening Notting Hill - Community Action Plan(PDF, 6MB)
The aim of this plan is to enhance Notting Hill and make it an even better place to live, work and participate in community life.
The Notting Hill Community Action Plan is not static and will evolve over time as the community gets more involved in putting the plan into action.
Using a 'strength-based approach' (Asset Based Community Development), Council worked alongside the community to identify its strengths, leaders, and physical and social assets and build the social capital within this community to be stronger advocates for themselves.