Revenue and Rating Plan
Revenue and Rating Plan 2021-2025
At its meeting on 29 June 2021 Council adopted its Revenue and Rating Plan 2021-2025. A Council must prepare and adopt a Revenue and Rating Plan by the next 30 June after a general election for a period of at least the next 4 financial years as required under Section 93 of the Local Government Act 2020.
Revenue and Rating Plan 2021-2025(PDF, 2MB)
Monash Council is responsible for adopting the Revenue and Rating Plan (the Plan) as part of its Local Government Act responsibilities. The Revenue and Rating Plan is a new requirement. It is for a four-year 'block' period starting on 30 June 2021, in the year after each general election.
The Plan provides a medium-term outlook for how Council will generate income to deliver on the Council Plan, programs and services and capital works commitments. It defines the revenue and rating 'envelope' within which Council propose to operate.
Although the Plan is a new requirement, the document reflects the implementation of strategies that have evolved over the past few years and ones which we intend, subject to consultation and adoption, to keep applying over the coming four years.