Monash Health and Wellbeing Plan

Monash Health and Wellbeing Plan 2021-2025

Monash Council is committed to supporting its community to lead healthy, happy and thriving lives.

Every four years, in accordance with the Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008, Council develops a Municipal public health and wellbeing plan to guide the health and wellbeing priorities of the community.

The Monash Health and Wellbeing Plan 2021-2025 brings together all the areas within Council that help us define what creates a healthy city. It sets out the strategic health and wellbeing priorities to maximise the health, happiness and wellbeing of the Monash community.

The Plan identifies different sectors of our community and their specific priorities including people living with a disability and their carers, our diverse multicultural community, sustainability and climate change, community safety, gender equity, prevention of violence against women and children, LGBTIQA+, Age-Friendly, sport and recreation, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, libraries, neighbourhood houses, arts and culture, children, young people and families, place-making and community grants, people experiencing homelessness and people who are socially isolated and at-risk of loneliness.

The Monash Health and Wellbeing Plan 2021-2025 was endorsed at a meeting of Council on 26 October 2021. Please view the document below:

Monash Health and Wellbeing Plan 2021-2025(PDF, 3MB)

The Plan also has a companion document: 

Our Community: A Snapshot 2021(PDF, 2MB)

Accessible formats

Plain text version:

Monash Health and Wellbeing Plan 2021-2025 - Plain Text(TXT, 72KB)

To request the Monash Health and Wellbeing Plan documents in another format, please contact Kerryn Jansons, Coordinator Community Partnerships & Health Promotion, on 9518 3454 or email

Languages other than English

2021-2025年蒙纳士卫生与福利计划(PDF, 3MB)




In late 2024, an evaluation summary of the Health and Wellbeing Plan 2021-2025 was completed to report on the activities of Year 3 of the Plan.

In late 2023, a two-year evaluation summary of the Monash Health and Wellbeing Plan 2021-2025 was completed to report on the activities of the first 2 years of the Plan.

Monash Health and Wellbeing Plan Evaluation Report: Year 1-2(PDF, 868KB)


Previous Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan

The Monash Health and Wellbeing Plan 2021-2025 replaces the previous Municipal public health and wellbeing plan, A healthy and resilient Monash: Integrated Plan 2017-2021.

Year Four Evaluation

Please view the A Healthy and Resilient Monash Year Four Evaluation Highlights video below:


Please read the transcript of the video: Text file for the Year Four Evaluation Highlights video(TXT, 13KB)

Action Plan Year Four 2020-2021 Evaluation Summary(PDF, 1MB)

Year Three Evaluation

Please view the A Healthy and Resilient Monash Year Three Evaluation Highlights video below:


Please read the transcript of the video: Text file for the Year Three Evaluation Highlights video(TXT, 21KB)

Action Plan Year Three 2019-2020 Evaluation Summary(PDF, 1MB)

Year Two Evaluation

Please view the A Healthy and Resilient Monash Year Two Evaluation Highlights video below:

Please read the transcript of the video: Text file for the Year Two Evaluation Highlights video(TXT, 12KB)

Action Plan Year Two 2018-2019 Evaluation Summary(PDF, 966KB)

Year One Evaluation 

Action Plan Year One 2017-2018: Evaluation Summary(PDF, 253KB)

More information

Please contact Kerryn Jansons, Coordinator, Community Partnerships & Health Promotion, on 9518 3454 or email