Smart Cities Transition

Internet networking and digital transformation

A new frontier for The City of Monash

The City of Monash is a thriving community in Melbourne’s south-east that is progressively becoming a ‘Smart City’.

In this digital age, cities across the world are embracing the concept of Smart Cities to leverage technology and data to enhance the quality of life for their residents.

What exactly is a Smart City?

A Smart Monash is a city that truly serves its residents and community, fostering human connection, ideas and knowledge sharing leading us to a more prosperous and cohesive future.

At its core, a Smart City is a city that uses data and technology to improve the lives of its community, enhance sustainability, and streamline operations.

It is a city that collects and analyses real-time data to make better decisions and provide more efficient and effective services to its residents.

Privacy: The Program does not collect data identifying individuals, to be specific, personal data or record private activities. It does not surveil the activities of individuals. Instead, it uses sensors to collect data, such as traffic counts, intending to promote smart-cities activities. As such, there is no breach of legislation relating to surveillance devices or privacy and data protection.
Please read: Privacy Statement

Why becoming a Smart City is so important

holding of global data network

At Monash Council, we are dedicated to embracing smart thinking and innovation to improve our lives, economy, and environment.

Becoming a Smart City is important for Monash as it enables us to be leaders in digital connectivity, sustainability and liveability alongside promoting innovation, collaboration and diverse inclusion.

By transitioning to a Smart City, we can free up resources to perform other important duties and provide high-quality services that are valued, efficient, and cost-effective.

How do we become a Smart Monash?

We have developed a Smart Cities Program to guide us in our digital transformation. Our Digital Strategy was established through consultation with our community and Council, and sets out the vision, principles, and priorities that will guide our transition to a Smart City.

Our Smart Monash program vision is to be digital, innovative, and future-focused.

The program commenced last year initially as a pilot program. We will continue to progressively roll out the following Smart Cities technologies over the next year to gain more insights.